Verizon Business


Communication Division




Chicago, IL

BNSF Retaining Wall Fiber Relocate, Chicago IL

Challenge: Relocate existing Verizon 144 Count fiber optic cable that was in conflict with BNSF Railroad retaining wall reconstruction.  The relocation area only consisted of 1800’, however the tracks were elevated and completely inaccessible through conventional means. This section of tracks was also one of the busiest in the Chicago area.

Strategy:  PirTano had to develop a lifting harness for our direction drills and backhoes in order to have cranes lift them onto the tracks.  All work had to be completed at night while train traffic was at its lowest. A high amount of coordination was required with Verizon and BNSF Railroad in order to effectively complete this project.  Timing and completion deadlines were critical as the railroad need to begin work on the retaining wall in 4 weeks.

Result:  The project was completed on time and within budget.  Multiple drill and backhoe crews worked each night in order to accomplish this. The work was completed in October 2018.

Contract:  $211,000